Polygon Research Blog

Designing BI Solutions that Work

Strategy Data Science News
The Mortgage Bankers Association Accounting and Financial Management Conference was held in Nashville, TN November 10-12, 2021. We discussed the emergence of intuitive, state-of-the-art web-based applications, real-time data, and mobile apps across the industry—with a focus on helping lenders design an intuitive platform for the business user, creating a more rewarding BI experience across all departments. 

Polygon Research shared their "DBUG" framework for choosing BI platform.

One of the key takeaways was that the perennial build vs. buy decision is no longer monolithic. For example, thanks to SaaS, lenders can plug in interactive modules of open data insights (e.g. HMDA, CRA, Census, etc.) into their processes. This helps lenders stay not only competitive, but also agile, nimble, and ready for the next big thing instead of locking themselves in to rigid tech stacks.

For more information, contact us at info@polygonresearch.com.