Polygon Research Blog

FHA Lending - March 2021 Update

FHA-insured loans have been the main driver for home ownership in the US. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) provides mortgage insurance on loans made by FHA-approved lenders, so lenders have protection against losses if a property owner defaults on their mortgage. This has encouraged lending to first-time homebuyers who otherwise might not qualify for conventional mortgage financing.

Driven by record refi activity, March 2021 is the best month of March for single-family FHA originations from 2010 forward. However, March 2021 was the fourth best month for FHA purchase originations since 2010 with 65,044 FHA purchase loans.

2021 year-to-date, FHA total loans originated (purchase and refi) were 358,389 or $85.5 Billion in loan volume. The FHA purchase mix Q1 2021 was 50.5%, lower than the FHA purchase mix in Q1 2020 which was 58%. In March 2021, for the first time since last year, the FHA weighted average interest rate leveled off at 2.76%.

Source: FHAVision™

Here is where you can download the full-length FHA infographic: Products (polygonresearch.com)

You can't always make the right moves in the highly competitive FHA market if you don't have your finger on the pulse of your territory. To solve this problem, Polygon Research has taken the last 10 years of monthly FHA single-family loan-level data (released monthly by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) and built an interactive app FHAVision™, to provide instant insights. Keep reading to see the latest trends at the national level in the infographic available in our Free Resources, and contact us for a demo to drill down by lender and geography.