Polygon Research Blog

August FHA Data is Here

GovLoans News
Every month we take a look at the state of FHA lending by leveraging our app, FHAVisionFHAVision is an interactive dashboard of monthly FHA endorsement data by originator and sponsor. With historical data dating back to 2010, we pull in current data each month as soon as it is published by HUD. Our users have access to loan-level data on 1300+ lenders by loan purpose, channel, and interest rate, with geographical analysis of FHA lending trends from the national level down to zip code.

FHA Production is Strong

2021 YTD FHA Lending is strong both in terms of total originations (961,249) and in terms of loan volume ($230.04 Billion). In August, FHA lenders originated 119,721 purchase and refinance loans, up 0.5% from August 2020 when production was 119,135 FHA loans.
Source: FHAVision

Wholesale Production is Growing

Lenders in the wholesale channel originated 13,158 FHA Purchase loans in August, representing 17.47% of all Purchase loans - up from the previous month. Wholesale utilization varied by state. In the mainland US, wholesale channel utilization was the highest in California: 36% of all FHA purchase loans originated in this state came through the wholesale channel.

Source: FHAVision

For further insights and exploration, visit Free Resources in our store to download the August 2021 FHA Infographic, or you can subscribe to FHAVision for detailed insights in all markets. For more information visit: Polygon Research.