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Faster and Better HMDA Analysis

April 12, 2022
Polygon Research
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Today, Polygon Research released its HMDAVision 7.0 with new, more powerful analytics capabilities to drive essential insights about every aspect of the mortgage production process and to address multiple competitive intelligence and fair lending use cases.
The latest HMDAVision release (HMDAVision 7.0) is significant because it allows maximum flexibility for analysis of the entire HMDA LAR data (~90 million loan-level transactions over 4 years) within a guided analytics framework adapted to multiple use cases.

Some of the new features of HMDAVision 7.0 include new competitive intelligence pages:

  1. Lender Rankings, showing 2021 rankings which dynamically update as users drill into different segments and geographies, along with per-lender ranking changes from the previous year. The rankings sheet includes a geography tree map to show which States/MSAs have the most activity for each segment.
  2. Two SWOT (Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat) Analysis pages. These include powerful charts for drilling into lender strategies across peer groups, especially within product, channel, and secondary market segments.

Our Marketing Risk and Redlining Analysis pages have also been upgraded to drive faster, more comprehensive visual and tabular analysis of the dual questions: am I reaching all people in my markets?, and am I reaching all geographic segments in my markets? Our Redlining Analysis page answers the second question at three levels, including minority tract status and LMI status.

Finally, we have a powerful new interactive scatter plot which charts cost to consumer and interest rate in an integrated view, providing HMDAVision users with an intuitive, at-a-glance pricing strategy analyzer.

Schedule a 15-minute demo to see all the new features. Or you can subscribe here: HMDAVision (polygonresearch.com)

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